What is the sign that the schoolbag strap suddenly broke?

作者:太叔叔远 | 发布日期:2024-09-20 11:56:17

o(?""?oWhat are the signs if bird poop falls on your schoolbag?
It means you are going to turn into a bird and fly away
˙▽˙Ten signs that a child is getting bad

Ten signs that a child is getting bad: language, behavior, clothing, emotions, schoolwork, going in and out, life, objects, rooms, and friends.

1. Language

Starts to lie and swear. He is dismissive of everyone in his words and likes bold and bold promises. It means that the child has begun to come into contact with some partners or information with bad words and deeds, and it is necessary to cut off the channels and ways for the child to continue to contact them.

2. Behavior

My whereabouts are mysterious, I look panicked, I lock my door; I have a reversed concept of right and wrong, I act arrogantly, dominate, fight, and cause trouble.

Children may enter a rebellious period as they grow older. Parents should have in-depth conversations with their children, pay attention to guiding their children at all times, and be aware that once excessive behavior occurs, it must be stopped in time! If allowed to develop, the child's rebellious and perverse behavior will lead to the child becoming a delinquent.

3. Dressing

too fashionable and weird hairstyles, boys keep their hair long; girls pursue accessories with visual effects too much; they start getting tattoos. This shows that the child's attention has begun to focus on the visual aspects of external performance. There may be a group of half-year-old children of the same type around him, and they may start to "do bad things" when they get together.

4. Emotions

Changeable, easily irritated, angry with parents, giving up on oneself, or suddenly becoming excessively obedient to parents. Emotional children can easily lead to alienation from their parents. Pay more attention to the child's psychological condition and value development. Otherwise, the child's psychology will take a detour, and the consequences will be that the child becomes bad.

5. Schoolwork

My academic performance has plummeted. I don’t read books or do homework. I am late, leave early, skip classes, and often contradict the teacher. The child begins to get tired of studying. He feels bored and unwilling to continue. Attention will naturally be diverted to other more "interesting" things, and it will naturally go bad.

6. Going in and out

Go out early and come back late, sleep late during the day, like to stay out at night or go out at night without clear explanation to the person. Children often stay away from home and spend time with people outside, especially if they stay away at night. It is easier for a group of young children to get together and problems may arise.

7. Life

Irregular diet and daily life; eating, drinking, having fun, starting to smoke and drink, and the demand for money increases. Children begin to pay attention to superficial material enjoyment of life. Parents need to pay close attention to guidance, scientifically plan their children's lifestyle and consumption habits, and strictly manage them when necessary. Otherwise, children may have other thoughts for material enjoyment, which will make it easy for children to go down the wrong path. Misguided.

8. Items

There are often other books, tobacco, alcohol, entertainment supplies, etc. in the schoolbag, and even unidentified money. The child begins to focus on superficial things. He pays attention to things that interest him at this age, and no longer focuses on the main business, study and family. As a parent, you must intervene in time and urge the child to return, otherwise the child will only be in the wrong place. The road goes further and further.

9. Room

The room is covered with pictures of celebrities. I often stay alone in my room and lock the door. I say I am doing homework, but I often The homework cannot be completed. He's territorial, he likes to be alone, and that's okay. But he will do some things that you don’t expect or he doesn’t want you to know. As a parent, you should pay attention, learn to observe, and subtly bring him back on track!

10. Making friends

The contacts with school classmates have decreased, and the contacts with people in society have increased. There are often phone calls and WeChat messages from strangers, and the friends I have made are afraid to introduce them to my family. Your child may have made friends with many undesirable people in society. As a parent, you should be patient and instructive. Don't be anxious or even fight or scold your child. You should have an in-depth heart-to-heart talk with your child, tell him the true meaning and rules of making friends, and intervene directly when necessary.